Monday, June 30, 2014


Hey everyone! So wow, two posts in a row are a day late, shame shame Tianna! However, the only reason is because I wanted to include some pictures from the concert that I went to. So, without further delay, let's get started.


  • Hooray for completing driver's ed!!! I finally finished, although my class was only 1 month long and class was a few times a week for me (opposed to my brother whose went for 3 months!). As you can see, class before our final was quite productive, if I do say so myself...
... monogram, bow, and macaroon doodles. duh.

  • As many of you know, Sautrday, June 21 was National Wear Your Lilly Day! I thought that to get in the spirit, I would disassemble an old shift dress :) LOL but in all seriousness that's how I spent my day! I kind of winged instructions and was extremely happy with my DIY Lilly camera strap! I also made a precious Lilly dog collar for my brown Lab (needless to say she adored it).

  • If you've been reading some past posts, you know that I attended the OneRepublic/ The Script/ American Authors concert! To sum it up in one word: SOSOFREAKINGAMAZING! I love basically every OneRep song, especially "Something I Need." They were beyond fantastic live, and am planning on seeing them again!
Free tickets (courtesy of my padre's sweet connections)
 in an amazing VIP suite (no pun intended)!

  • Recently, my mom and I made the hajj to several grocery stores in search of enlightenment some {drumroll...} almond meal! This seemingly odd ingredient is key for making macaroons, which are actually impossible to make. SERIOUSLY. Much to the surprise of both of us, once the treats were finished baking (despite looking rather revolting), our macaroon-esque mess was pretty tasty!!

  • One of my best friends had a small dinner at a local country club for her birthday, and it was a great way to also celebrate the end of our sophomore year! This maxi dress's fun pattern encompasses one of my favorite trends for the summer

  • Another friend had a beach day for her birthday! I wasn't able to sleep over at her beach house because of the OneRepublic concert, but I'm so glad I made it to the beach part!
Happy Sweet 16 Nat!!

  • In case I haven't mentioned it a bajillion times, Friday is the day! {and no, not the 4th, but the day I leave for Mexico!!} My friends and I are exuberant about our Sweet 16 trip, and can hardly wait out the days until we leave
Incomplete packing list {typical}

  • Finally, I have yet to finish putting away/sorting through all of my binders, notebooks, et cetera from this past school year. "I'll get around to it" has been my motto lately...
Sad thing is, is that this is all from one class... but hey
shoutout to my Lilly You Gotta Regatta binder cover!

That's all for today! I know there are a lot of photos, but I feel like it completes the moment (does that even make sense)... Any way, this time next week I'll be away, so I'm planning on having a blog post scheduled to upload for Sunday. However, if there is a sad, desolate space where said post should be on Sunday, take that as a sign saying: "Tianna has unsuccessfully attempted to schedule a post. Please check back later!" Have a great week and 4th of July!

Until next time (when I'll be tanner from them Mexico rays),
                                 Ti :)


  1. Um...where does your dad work?!?!?!

    1. I hope I didn't freak you out with my question! I was asking because of the great concert seats that you got. It was a joke! I'm sorry if I scared you!

    2. It's ok!! I didn't even see your comment to be honest, that's why I didn't respond (still figuring out blogspot lol)! But he has a friend who had the tickets :)

  2. Hey Tiana!
    I tagged you to share your June favorites on your blog:) You can check back on the google plus community to see the post!
    Classy Cathleen

    1. I'll be sure to do it, thanks for tagging me!

  3. I've been dying to make some macaroons ! haha but yours are pretty in pink (;
    Have fun in Mexico!


    1. Hopefully you have better luck than I did, and thanks!!


Sunday Funday: Monogram DIYs!

Hi guys! Today, I thought I'd share some simple and fun DIY projects with you. I've had a crazy and jam-packed couple of days last w...